Tuesday, December 6, 2016


With hope and optimism, let us all welcome the coming year.

Life is not always a bed of roses. Those who look at life with a defeated and cynical mind set will never hope to get out of the negative situation they are in.

This is the psychology of wealth. You and I create the kind of life we like to live in. Choose thoughts carefully because they form your behavior. When you have formed your behavior, out come the consequences; which, not incidentally, includes wealth or poverty.

The bottom-line, therefore is: You create where you want to live – in poverty or in wealth. Don't forget, you create your own wealth or your own poverty. It is your choice to be rich or poor.

DREAM BIG! What kind of thoughts would you like to form in your mind then?

Your thoughts have power. They have power over your body; power over your abilities.

They have power over your life.

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