Thursday, December 8, 2016

Life is what we make it
How true is this in our lives?

Life is a circle, a rhythmic oscillation of events repeating over and over. Sometimes we feel as if the course of our life is on a continuously repeating cycle. Constantly, we are reminded of similar events, places or points in our life that we feel as if we have lived before, others call it "déjà vu".

Every few years, we feel the need to settle into a familiar sense of routine. At the end of a series of tremulous events, the horizon becomes flat and unwavering. It is during these periods that we have the clearest vision of the future; we can anticipate what is coming and what we need to do. After some time of collecting our thoughts and riding the smooth current, we can decide that it is time for a change. Once again, with a renewed vigor and resolve we make a staggering trek to the next plateau, and our life come a full circle.

What have we done on that full circle and the next circles of our lives? How is our relationship with our colleagues, friends, family, with spouse, with children? Above all how is our relationship with the CREATOR?

Our relationship with the CREATOR is the most important relationship in the universe. 

It is high time to reflect.

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