Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Develop an action plan wherein to base your goals.

An action plan (what-to-do) contains all the things you need to do to accomplish your objectives (daily schedule, the 5 W's and 1 H).

The 5 W's are: WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHERE and WHY.
The H is: HOW.
  • Do things patiently by always make sure all the 5 W's and the H are connected. When you have identified the WHAT, list down the WHO (persons to see, clients to visit) in the order of their importance;
  • Then timing is vital. Always ensure that the WHEN (time/day/date) is adequate free time to enable you and your client to talk business or whatever it is that you want to discuss;
  • WHERE is the place wherein you and your client can have a private business talk without distractions – a coffee shop, lunch in a decent restaurant or a visit in his office;
  • WHY is the objective or the reason for the business chat, which is when you lay down your cards on the table, explaining in the simplest terms possible the reason for the meet up;
  • How refers the mechanics after you have accomplished the 5 W's. This is the finishing touch. Do not delay, do not procrastinate. Be prompt and deliver what you have promised.
If you are able to master the above simple rules of business engagement, you are on your way to a bright success.

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