Monday, November 28, 2016

If Loving You is a Crime, then I am Guilty!

  If Loving You is a Crime, then I am Guilty!


He loves me? Or He loves me not?

His existence is not visible, yet He is the most romantic man that I have ever had. His charm seems to be the sweetest delight in the whole world. His scent is more fragrant than the most expensive and elegant products that has touched my skin. His hugs and kisses are signs of his incomparable love. He wears his smile in a way no one can imitate.  But, He was not the one I wanted. I never even laid my eyes on Him before, because I only wanted self-centered experiences- selfish desires, hatred, worldly pleasures, bitterness, quarrels, obsessions, self-absorbed success- these were the things that I desired the most!

Most of all, I never thought of Him because I was satisfied of being loved and pleased by the people around me. I enjoyed so much with my friends: the conversations, sharing laughter and even the quarrels. Focusing on my own abilities and strengths made me flaunt what I am. I thought no one can change me. 

I never acknowledged Him, even when He courts me as often as the earth revolves around the sun. 

I thought that he has surrendered His love as the days went by. Suddenly, His words were like stains that fade away. I was disenchanted by His charm- yet, I missed his presence.  I disguised it with a lying facade; it was like I was wearing a mask. 

But then, he embraced me. He showed me the truth when I felt unimportant. Now, He looks for me whenever I’m not around. He asks me for my commitment, but only on the 7th day of every week. Now our relationship is so much more exciting.

Finding true love is indeed difficult. When temptation gives invitation- yes, the intensity and excitement is oozing! But when this man expressed His faithfulness, which has always been true, there are no more lies and wrong doings to be had. I loved him, from the moment he made me upscale. He showed me my worth. I am not useless because His love for me is absolute. I want him as he wants me. He makes me feel wanted as he wraps me with his longing arms and embraces me. Our relationship makes the best love story that was ever told.

He is my best supporter, my provider and my Personal Savior- He is JESUS CHRIST, my number one lover. And if loving him is truly a crime, then I am guilty.

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